
The top 3 reasons for you to go to a trade school!

What Is A Trade School

For starters, what is a trade school? Trade school, sometimes referred to as technical school, is a post-secondary institution that is designed to train students for a specific job in a skilled trade career. The most important aspect of trade schools is that they provide students with hands-on training and experience that will prepare them to work in their chosen fields.

Benefits of A Trade School

Time is Valuable:  You may be familiar with the phrase “Time is money and money is time”. Trade school helps you save both! A traditional bachelor’s degree takes individuals 4 or more years to complete. Most trade school programs take two years or less! It gives you a head start in the workforce and a chance to establish yourself within months! In regards to cost, the average college student can spend up to $100,000.00 or more to earn their bachelor’s degree! At a trade school that cost is considerably lower!

Your Network is Your Net Worth: Trade school gives you the opportunity to build your network. Sometimes it’s not about what you know but, about WHO you know. While enrolled in trade school you have the opportunity to meet professionals working in your desired field of work. You have the chance to make the contacts you’ll need to land your dream job after graduation. 

Intimate Environments: Trade schools are awesome because they are much smaller in size compared to traditional 4-year institutions. Students are provided with more one-on-one time with professional instructors. The smaller size of trade schools also allow for students to form study groups because they can easily develop close relationships with peers!

Externship Provided: It is never too late for you to start extenship preparation. In Prospect College, you will get in touch with our Career Service Department and together identify your interests and compatible work environment, establish your personal networks, and find professional associations, companies and organizations that encourage externship programs.

The benefits that trade schools have to offer you are endless! It’s up to you to take that first step and seek out these amazing opportunities! Today could be the first day of the rest of your life as you embark on a new journey towards your career goals!

Take The Next Step…

Check our website to know more about our programs! Talk to a specialist in Prospect College and prepare to start your new career in The Perfect Trade School In Washington DC Area!

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